• Stability & Control
    Greater control of your insurance budget through premium stabilization
  • Committed To Helping You Achieve Your Insurance Goals
    Each captive owner appoints a Director of the Company allowing for maximum input into insurance company operations
  • Control Your Insurance Destiny
    Net investment income from each owner’s distinct loss fund and potential profits can accrue to that owner’s bottom line

Welcome to Wheels Insurance, Ltd.

Wheels Insurance, Ltd. (Wheels) was formed in 2005 to provide a more customized, affordable and stable insurance alternative for its diverse transportation member-owners. Its mission is to provide the highest quality insurance protection for its non-related shareholders.

The Company is licensed in the Cayman Islands to reinsure risks from the policy issuing company, National Interstate Insurance Company. National Interstate Insurance Company is licensed and admitted, providing coverage to the membership in the United States. The types of coverage reinsured by Wheels are Workers' Compensation, General Liability, Automobile Liability and Physical Damage.

Wheels is a homogeneous, member-owned group captive whose target risk is a best-in-class, safety-focused, long haul trucking company. It offers loss control and claims management programs tailored specifically for this industry segment.

Wheels Facts & Figures as of 5/31/2023

Number of Active Members: 90 members from across the U.S.
Annual Premiums: $91,150,000
Captive Retention: $400,000
Underlying Deductibles: Options are available for AL and APD
Invested Assets: $89+ million
Primary Auto Liability limits: $2,000,000
Primary General Liability limits: $2,000,000 per occ./agg.

Membership Criteria

Because each member of Wheels is an owner, the following criteria has been established to ensure the quality of membership and long-term strength of the Company:

  1. Management Commitment to Safety and Claims Management
  2. Financially Strong Company
  3. Loss Experience Better Than Average for Industry Group
  4. Business Philosophy Compatible with Wheels Insurance, Ltd.
  5. $600,000 minimum premium target